IDS British Council Program | Unicent school Kompally

I D S – British Council Program

UNICENT always believes that today’s education should equip a child with the life skills essential to meet the challenges of everyday life in future. Hence developing 21st century skills play a very important role.
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I D S – British Council Program

UNICENT always believes that today’s education should equip a child with the life skills essential to meet the challenges of everyday life in future. Hence developing 21st century skills play a very important role.

British Council Program
UNICENT always believes that today’s education should equip a child with the life skills essential to meet the challenges of everyday life in future. Hence developing 21st century skills play a very important role.

ISA (The International School Award) PROGRAM by the British Council has been initiated at UNICENT in the year 2018-19 which is recently renamed as INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION in SCHOOLS [IDS]. IDS is a Program that Celebrates school’s effort to include internationalism as a part of the curriculum. We initiated this process to instill an international dimension into the learning experience thus bringing global awareness amongst our students.

It is an enriching program, which enables blending together a combination of methodologies like researching, brainstorming, surveys, interactions, discussions, seminars, quizzing etc with a cross country comparative learning approach. Most interesting part of it is the Learning Exchange program with other Schools of other Nations. WE have tied up with Schools in Mozambique and Kuwait in the Process and such experiences are for life time with the kids to take part!

This kind of interactive learning process gives them a wide exposure enabling them to realize that learning is not something confined to the Text books and what they listen and learn within the four walls of the School.

We take pride to share that we are awarded for the same by the Council for the period 2020-23 with a special note of appreciation!

Together we aim to instill team building, innovation, and project management in students and teachers alike. The pursuit of creating global citizens is an ongoing one. A truly global outlook!!

ISA (The International School Award) PROGRAM by the British Council has been initiated at UNICENT in the year 2018-19 which is recently renamed as INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION in SCHOOLS [IDS]. IDS is a Program that Celebrates school’s effort to include internationalism as a part of the curriculum. We initiated this process to instill an international dimension into the learning experience thus bringing global awareness amongst our students.

It is an enriching program, which enables blending together a combination of methodologies like researching, brainstorming, surveys, interactions, discussions, seminars, quizzing etc with a cross country comparative learning approach. Most interesting part of it is the Learning Exchange program with other Schools of other Nations. WE have tied up with Schools in Mozambique and Kuwait in the Process and such experiences are for life time with the kids to take part!

This kind of interactive learning process gives them a wide exposure enabling them to realize that learning is not something confined to the Text books and what they listen and learn within the four walls of the School.

We take pride to share that we are awarded for the same by the Council for the period 2020-23 with a special note of appreciation!

Together we aim to instill team building, innovation, and project management in students and teachers alike. The pursuit of creating global citizens is an ongoing one. A truly global outlook!!

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